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- Clinical Keyword: Mood Disorder
Expert in treating mood disorders, addiction, PTSD, and delirium with a special focus on psychiatric care for organ transplant patients and donors.
- Accepting New Patients
Expert in treating mood disorders, addiction, PTSD, and delirium with a special focus on psychiatric care for organ transplant patients and donors.
Bilingual child psychiatrist providing mental health support for children and adolescents with conditions like depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, using therapy and medication.
Bilingual child psychiatrist providing mental health support for children and adolescents with conditions like depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, using therapy and medication.
Expert in understanding and treating mood and neuropsychiatric disorders, focusing on innovative therapies and cutting-edge research on the effects of stress and medications on brain function.
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in understanding and treating mood and neuropsychiatric disorders, focusing on innovative therapies and cutting-edge research on the effects of stress and medications on brain function.
Expert in childhood disorders focusing on depression, anxiety, and school avoidance, with a comprehensive approach involving family systems and community-based care alternatives.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in childhood disorders focusing on depression, anxiety, and school avoidance, with a comprehensive approach involving family systems and community-based care alternatives.
Expert in child and adolescent psychiatry focusing on conditions like Tourette syndrome, tic disorders, anxiety, and body dysmorphic disorder, with a strong background in research on developmental disorders and treatment resistance.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in child and adolescent psychiatry focusing on conditions like Tourette syndrome, tic disorders, anxiety, and body dysmorphic disorder, with a strong background in research on developmental disorders and treatment resistance.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)