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Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery

We treat women with urogynecological disorders, which arise from pelvic floor dysfunction, such as urinary and bowel incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, interstitial cystitis, and related sexual dysfunction. These symptoms are caused by damage to the muscles of the pelvic floor. Our specialists help women understand their condition, recognize their symptoms, and match them with the treatment that best suits their comfort level and lifestyle.

Many people assume pelvic floor disorders only affect a small number of elderly or disabled women, or are an unavoidable consequence of aging. However, they are actually very common—one in three adult women suffer from incontinence or prolapse—and are treatable.

Our Approach

Our patients receive care and treatment at our Pelvic Medicine and Continence Center. The center offers a wide range of treatment options, both surgical and nonsurgical. Our doctors are active researchers working to further advance understanding of pelvic floor dysfunction. One of our primary research goals is to develop minimally invasive treatment options so that our patients are the first to benefit from these advances.