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In Vitro Fertilization Program

Through our In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Program, couples receive support, information, and counseling, as well as the most advanced treatment. IVF is the process of combining sperm and egg in a lab to create a viable embryo that can then be transferred to the mother's uterus.

Our internationally renowned multidisciplinary team of physicians, scientists, and specialized staff have dedicated their lives’ work to improving our patients’ chances of completing their family.

We strive to make the IVF experience as positive as possible, and to minimize any confusion or frustration couples may be experiencing. Our specialists are with patients every step of the way to help them navigate fertility issues by thoroughly discussing all procedures and aspects of care.

Our Approach

Before starting treatment, all couples take part in an initial consultation and visit with our reproductive endocrinologists. After completing a comprehensive review and deciding to proceed with IVF treatment, we complete prenatal testing on both partners. We then tailor the treatment plan to the individual couple's needs.

The next step is to meet with our dedicated team of financial counselors to clarify financial coverage. It is important to note that insurance companies require prior authorization before starting IVF. We also offer a Pre-IVF checklistto help keep track of the necessary steps prior to starting IVF.

It is our privilege to participate in our patients’ care and to attend to the emotional, psychological, and physical needs of individuals and couples experiencing infertility. We believe that when any treatment is made simpler for patients, they are empowered to spend more energy on their medical goals—and in this case, one another.